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The Downtown Optimist Club of Meridian brings a lot of experience and dedication to the Crestwood T-Ball program and we work hard to make the program educational for children and more importantly, FUN!

Children who participate in this program will be provided with a jersey and a baseball cap in their team’s colors and will receive a trophy at the end of the short one-month season. Parents are encouraged to participate and helping out doesn’t require a lot of baseball knowledge or skill. Children who are between the ages of 4 and 6 can sign up.

NOTE: A child must turn 4 before August 1st and cannot be 7 before August 1st.

This is a great opportunity for parents to bond with their children while learning a little bit about the great game of baseball!

Click the links below for details about this year’s program:

 Click Here if you want to receive email updates regarding upcoming T-Ball events, sign-up dates, or informational newsletters about our T-Ball Program!

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