On Tuesday, January 23, 2024, DTOC President Todd Pope presented two checks to Choctaw Area…
DTOC Supports Meridian Boys & Girls Club – 2015

Ricky Hood, Executive Director for Meridian Boys & Girls Club, came to the Tuesday, September 15th DTOC meeting update everyone in on the latest activities of the Boys & Girls Club. He explained how the organization has grown over the years and how they are working hard to meet the needs of the children of our community by being creative and resourceful with the resources they have.
He discussed the work going on at multiple Boys & Girls Club locations including a re-established location in Philadelphia, MS. He described the new hot meal program and how much it has been helping the children improve their focus and attentiveness.
Downtown Optimist Club President Brian Koroknay presented a check for $1,000 to Ricky to support their efforts to assist the youth of our community. The DTOC has committed itself to giving the Boys & Girl Club an annual donation to assist with their efforts to to help the children they support.
“The Optimist Club has been a friend of The Boys & Girls Club for many years!” said Hood. “They’ve always supported us in all our efforts with children. They’re known as Friends of Youth, and that’s what we do every day.”
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