The Downtown Optimist Club recently announced the 2024 Junior Golf Program Dates: The Scheduled Play…
DTOC Donates Funds To Help Replace Boy Scout Equipment Trailer

When the tornado struck Collinsville, MS on February 3rd, 2016, the damage was extensive and overwhelming.
“We have several houses that have been totaled, we have a lot of damage,” Lauderdale Co. supervisor Josh Todd told local station WTOV on that day. First Baptist Church in Collinsville said several of its buildings were badly damaged, “but praise God no one was hurt.” Slowly but surely, the people of Collinsville have been rebuilding their community after the disaster.
Even the local Boy Scout Troop #16 suffered a loss when their equipment trailer which was normally stored at the First Baptist Church was totaled by the storm when it hit the church. The cost to replace the trailer was around $3,000 and through fund-raising, the boys of Troop #16 were able to raise two-thirds of the funds required. When the Downtown Optimist Club learned of their need, the decision was quickly made to assist the Collinsville Boy Scouts by making up the difference.
On April 26th, 2016, Troop #16 Scout Leader, Kevin Hedgepeth, attended the weekly meeting of the DTOC and President Daniel Stewart presented him with a check for $1,000.
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