DTOC Donates To The Center For Pregnancy Choices
On Tuesday, February 22nd, 2016, The Downtown Optimist Club made a donation to help support the educational efforts of Beth Sharp, Director, Center for Pregnancy Choices in Meridian, MS. Beth visits local schools to help education students about the difficult…
DTOC Donates Funds To Stage 2
DTOC President Daniel Stewart presents a check to Susie Johnson to support her work as director of the Meridian youth theater program named 'Stage 2'. Founded in 2010, Stage 2 began as a small troop of teenagers who were interested…
DTOC Making Christmas A Little Brighter For Meridian Youth
On Tuesday, December 8th, 2015, The Downtown Optimist Club had a busy day helping local organizations make Christmas a little brighter for children this year. It started at 9:00am with the DTOC annual effort to ring bells for the Salvation…
Carter Foundation Receives Donation From DTOC – 2015
James Carter, Founder of The Carter Foundation in Meridian, MS recently visited the Downtown Optimist Club to provide our members with an overview of the efforts of his foundation in attempting to reach the youth of our community and to…
Brian Koroknay Presented With 2014-2015 President’s Plaque
Immediate Past President Brian Koroknay was presented with a President's plaque in appreciation of his service to the Downtown Optimist Club as President during the 2014-2015 year. Brian is a Bank Manager/Officer at Citizen's National Bank in Meridian, MS and…
Lindsey Hall Recognized for 15 Years Service To DTOC
Lindsey Hall was recognized today for 15 years of continuous membership and service to the Downtown Optimist Club. Lindsey has been the Sports Director for WTOK-TV since July 1986. Lindsey is actively involved in the March of Dimes, State Games…
DTOC Honors Two Members With Life Memberships
DTOC Members Mark Scarborough and Butch Wright were both honored today for their long time service and commitment to the Downtown Optimist Club when they were both surprised with presentations of Life Memberships. Scarborough joined the DTOC in January, 1984…
DTOC Donates to Debs/Parent Circle Halloween Event – 2015
The Downtown Optimist Club of Meridian sometimes gets to help two groups at the same time and this is one of those times. Over the years, the DTOC has developed a strong working relationship with a group of girls in…