On Tuesday, January 23, 2024, DTOC President Todd Pope presented two checks to Choctaw Area…
DTOC Donates Funds to Support Boys & Girls Club – 2019

Jermaine Harris (Director of Operations) and Torion Emerson (Unit Manager) for Meridian Boys & Girls Club, were our guest speakers at the Tuesday, January 8th, 2019 DTOC meeting and they updated everyone in on the latest activities of the Boys & Girls Club. Jermaine gave an emotional presentation describing how his life would have turned out significantly different if not for the influence of Ricky Hood and the Meridian Boys & Girls Club. He also described all of the various locations of the Boys & Girls Club that are managed by their offices and the number of children served by the organization in East MS.
Downtown Optimist Club President Lee Thaggard presented a check for $1,000 to support their efforts to assist the youth of our community. The DTOC has committed itself to giving the Boys & Girl Club an annual donation to assist with their efforts to to help the children they support.
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