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DTOC Presents Check To Support TOPSoccer – 2020

TOPSoccer Director Neil Henry (l) Is Presented With A Donation By DTOC President Ken Kercheval (r) Photo by Rives Photography

Neil Henry was the guest speaker on Tuesday, July 22, 2020 and he provided an update on both the TOPSoccer program he directs as well as the Camp Hoops program he co-founded here in Meridian. Both programs provide athletic opportunities for children and adults with special needs. The programs are 100% staffed by volunteers that love soccer and basketball, but more importantly they love to give back to their community.

Henry presented a slideshow of pictures taken from both events and provided background on some of the individual athletes and how these programs have benefited them. He also noted the impact that the programs had on his own children and participating as volunteers helped them to come to a great understanding of the importance of giving back.

TOPSoccer is a project that the Downtown Optimist Club has support annually for several years now and at the end of the presentation, DTOC President Ken Kercheval presented Henry with a donation to continue that tradition.

For more information, you can email Neil Henry at neil.henry at

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